Air Intake Grille Video Demonstration

Air Intake Grille Video Demonstration

The video below should help you to understand how our Air Intake Grilles actually work.

Our Grilles have no moving parts so you don't have to be concerned with tricky maintenance challenges, and in over 12 years in business we've never had one single failure, provided of course they are installed correctly. We did have someone install them back to front once but that was easily detected and corrected. They shall remain anonymous and it did expose something that we could improve upon. All our grilles now come with directional stickers so that can't happen again.

This short 2 minute video is a walk around that shows you how the grilles work. Please let us know any questions you might have and we would be pleased to answer them.

If you are viewing this on a mobile device, you may get a better viewing perspective by watching this video on YouTube.

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